Clemson Composites A new center at Clemson University Fri, 03 Apr 2020 16:57:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Foamed plastics in automotive for lightweighting and carbon footprint reduction Tue, 31 Mar 2020 16:37:26 +0000

Foamed plastics in automotive for lightweighting and carbon footprint reduction

USING BIO-DERIVED CNC as bubble nucleating agent and reinforcement for foamed plastics in automotive application for lightweighting and decreasing carbon footprint.


Working with industry partners, the Clemson team engineered and constructed an ultra-lightweight thermoplastics composites door that enables innovation for greenhouse gas reduction, recyclability, and circular economy.

  1. Bio-derived CNC are eco-friendly than conventional nucleating agent.
  2. CNC fibers act as both reinforcement and nucleating agents which promote the foaming behavior of the composites to achieve good cell morphology while retain the good mechanical properties.
  3. 15-20% light weighting can be achieved when replacing commercially used TPO used
  4. Potential applications for CNC reinforced Poly propylene



  • U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • BMW Group
Potential applications

Novel surface grafting methods adopted to evaluate properties of CNC nanocomposite Tue, 31 Mar 2020 16:12:19 +0000

Surface Grafting Methods adopted to evaluate properties of CNC Nanocomposite

CELLULOSE NANOCRYSTAL (CNC) has exceptional properties, however, its strong tendency to agglomerate during the melt processing largely hindered its application as reinforcing filler for the commodity composite.


We are endeavoring to address this dispersion problem, towards which studies are conducted in the directions of:

  • Rational designing the CNC-matrix interface
  • Engineering CNC surface for high-performance CNC nanocomposite
  • Developing industrial viable strategies for the CNC nanocomposite production;
  • Unlocking CNC’s potential as a bubble nucleating agent for the microcellular injection molding technology (Mucell)


Clemson researchers adopted novel surface grafting methods to evaluate the impact of the graft characters on the properties of the CNC nanocomposite. The properties of the composites are not only determined by the matrix and the filler, but also the filler-matrix interface.

This is especially true for the nanocomposites that a large area of interface exists and influences the composites’ properties such as thermal conductivity, stress transfer, and gas distribution. By adapting the covalent grafting or physical adsorption, the CNC-matrix interfacial interaction could be tuned by adjusting the graft length, graft density, and the graft polymer species.

The encapsulation of aqueous cargo is a widely acknowledged challenge despite its tremendous industrial value for numerous applications, ranging from self-healing and drug delivery to cosmetics and pesticides.

The study demonstrates an effective method to encapsulate a hydrophilic payload through the use of polyurethane‐poly (melamine‐formaldehyde) (PU‐PMF) dual‐component capsules based upon the water‐in‐oil‐in‐oil (W/O/O) emulsion template.

The image shows how the middle oil layer of a “water-in‐oil‐in‐oil” (W/O/O) emulsion is formed, and how the dual‐component capsule shell is created based on this double‐emulsion template. The as‐prepared capsule exhibits a dense and strong shell with tunable size.

illustration of blending methods and interface

Hybrid single-shot process for metals and composites streamlines and increases cost savings in manufacturing Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:52:18 +0000

hybrid single-shot process for metals and composites streamlines and increases cost savings in manufacturing

MOTIVATED BY THE CONCEPT of the integrative production systems, hybrid process of polymer injection molding and sheet metal forming, known as Hybrid Single-Shot (HSS), has been introduced to manufacture sheet metal-polymer components using a single tooling, machinery, and operating system. During this process, the sheet metal blank inside the injection mold is deformed by means of tool movement and/or by pressure of the polymer melt. As the melt cools, the injected polymer is permanently bonded to the deformed sheet metal depending upon the existence/use of any bonding agents.


Invented by Clemson researchers Srikanth Pilla and Saeed Farahani, the novel process can help reduce the time and cost it takes to manufacture components that are composed of different materials and need to be joined together. The process is aimed at streamlining the manufacturing of some components, such as the center consoles in high-end cars.


One of the goals is to reduce the cost of making vehicles lighter, which improves their mileage and helps automotive companies meet federal fuel efficiency standards. But researchers said the technology could be used in a variety of industries, including home appliance manufacturing.

The new method could reduce infrastructure costs and cycle time, while helping ensure that the pieces are mistake free and fit snugly together. The technology could be ready for the manufacturing floor in as little as two years.

When some parts are made conventionally, one machine stamps sheet metal into the desired shape, and another machine creates polymer or composite parts. Then the pieces are bonded together with glue.

In hybrid single-shot manufacturing, it’s all done in one machine. The technology can be used in existing equipment, obviating the need for major capital investment, Pilla said.

As part of the research, Farahani built a “concept design tool,” and covered it with sensors that measure everything from temperature to pressure. He also created his own software that allows researchers to create a computer model of the machine’s process, also called a “digital twin.” The digital twin coupled with artificial intelligence is playing a crucial role in teaching the machine to operate on its own.

Researchers also plan to test the new technology at the Clemson Composites Center with the goal of making real components.

hybrid single shot sheet metal

5.81M Clemson-led project may lead to fuel-saving, ultra-light auto doors Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:21:38 +0000

5.81M Clemson-LEd Project may lead to fuel-saving, ultra-light auto doors

A TEAM LED BY CLEMSON UNIVERSITY will soon begin a $5.81 million research project aimed at developing an ultra-lightweight door expected to help automakers in their race to meet federal fuel economy standards.


Researchers will use carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites to fabricate a driver’s side front-door assembly for a large original equipment manufacturer (OEM). The technology could also be used to create other parts of the vehicle and hit the market by 2022, they said.

The goal is to reduce the door’s weight by 42.5 percent. Every ounce counts as automakers work to meet U.S. corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards. Fleets of vehicles are supposed to average 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.


A cross-disciplinary team of faculty members from Clemson’s mechanical engineering and automotive engineering departments have come together for the research.

Srikanth Pilla, an assistant professor of automotive engineering, is the principal investigator on the project. The co-principal investigators are Melur “Ram” Ramasubramanian, D. W. Reynolds Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering and department chair; Paul Venhovens, the BMW Endowed Chair in Automotive Systems Integration; and Gang Li, an associate professor of mechanical engineering.

Pilla said that as the team makes the door lighter, researchers would expect it to cost more because they are using more advanced materials. Researchers are mandated to keep the cost increase down to $5 for every pound of weight saved, but they expect the technologies they develop will ensure they can reach their targets.

“Of course, as we hit these weight and cost targets, we’re going to be careful to not compromise on functional or safety requirements,” Pilla said. “It’s possible we could exceed those requirements, even as we make the door lighter. We’re going to do this in collaboration with the University of Delaware and industry.”

Several public and private sources are providing funding for the research. The largest portion comes from the U.S. Department of Energy, which has announced it is contributing $2.25 million. Private industry contributed the rest.

Industrial collaborators include the businesses that would form the supply chain involved in manufacturing the composite doors that university researchers will develop, Pilla said.

“This project is particularly exciting because we have a commercialization plan,” Pilla said. “Our OEM partner has clearly expressed a strong interest to take full or partial technologies and put them into vehicles that will come in 2022 and beyond.”

Ramasubramanian said that having the majority of funding come from outside the federal government is a major success.

“This is the new model of funding by the federal government, where academia, industry and the federal government work as partners and share the benefits,” he said. “Everyone has skin in the game. For us to be successful in this at the lead is extremely significant. This sets the stage for future partnerships in composites technology.”

Major participants in the research include the automotive engineering department at the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR), the Clemson mechanical engineering department, the University of Delaware Center for Composite Materials and more than 10 private industry partners, including material suppliers, machine builders, toolmakers and software developers.

While researchers are using the door as a model to investigate weight targets, the proposed technologies could also be applied to fabricate most of a vehicle’s structural, semi-structural and interior components, they said.

Researchers said the door would meet or exceed standards governing fit, function, safety, stiffness, crash performance, noise, vibration and harshness. The assembly would be recyclable when the vehicle hits the end of its life on the road, they said.

Researchers have proposed two designs for the door assembly and plan to pick one after six months of investigation.

Zoran Filipi, automotive engineering chair, said the research that Pilla and his team are doing will help connect CU-ICAR’s labs with the road.

“Not only will we help the auto industry meet a critical deadline, but we will also be educating the next generation of automotive engineers,” he said. “We’re creating the model to transform U.S. automotive engineering competitiveness.”

“This is an excellent example of how Clemson is integrating its main campus with its innovation campuses,” said Anand Gramopadhye, dean of the College of Engineering and Science. “It also embodies the college’s theme, ‘innovation through translation.’ ”

John W. Gillespie, director of the University of Delaware Center for Composite Materials (CCM), and assistant director Shridhar Yarlagadda issued a joint statement:

“Clemson and CCM are establishing a strong partnership to merge auto systems design with composites materials, design and manufacturing to lightweight composites door for high-volume production.”

Enabling Industry 4.0 for Multi-tiered Quality and Process Control in Precision Manufacturing of Composites Mon, 30 Mar 2020 18:42:37 +0000

Enabling Industry 4.0 for Multi-tiered Quality and Process Control in Precision Manufacturing of Composites

AS PART OF A SCRA GRANT for the unification of various connected systems, Clemson researchers deployed a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system program called Ignition on a Windows server hosted at a Clemson University data center. The system was connected to a MySQL database for continuous logging of all desired parameters for the various devices and machines connected to Ignition.


The program enables connections via OPC UA, MQTT, Modbus TCP, and various proprietary drivers (e.g. Siemens, Omron). A wide range of devices were connected to Ignition, including the injection molding machine (through a route ending in an OPC UA server), an in-mold sensor system, a twin screw extruder, a remote data acquisition system for downstream extrusion equipment, and multiple remote temperature and input sensors throughout the labs. Interfaces were made to visualize the data from these systems on both desktop and mobile devices and enable control where available.



  1. Develop methods to predict part quality of an injection molded part using process parameters and data from the machine.
  2. Develop database and machine learning systems designed to work with injection molding processes.
  3. Develop unique tool with sensor to measure temperatures and pressure inside the cavity.
  4. Develop more robust feedback loop to optimize process parameters.


  • South Carolina Research Authority (SCRA)


Engel injection molding

Design and analysis of roller bearing cages Fri, 27 Mar 2020 16:48:54 +0000

Design and analysis of roller bearing cages

IN COLLABORATION WITH JTEKT KOYO, Clemson researchers advanced the fundamental understanding of material and process dynamics for optimal design of a bearing’s polymeric cage.


JTEKT North America is a leader in automotive bearings. It has been a part of the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research since 2006.

roller illustration



  1. MATERIAL SELECTION and process physics optimization
    • Design of the cage geometry
    • Material selection
    • Design of the mold
    • Fabrication of the mold
    • Injection molding of cage
    • Injection molding of tensile specimens
    • Characterization and testing
  2. EFFECT OF FLUID such as moisture and oil on the properties and geometrical dimensions of polymeric cages
  3. FORCE COMPUTATION for assembly/disassembly of rollers in cage by modeling the geometry of the cage and the deformation mechanism. The required force to push out the roller from the cage was calculated according to the stiffness of the cage material.


  • Koyo
  • JTEKT Corporation
roller cage


  • Koyo
  • JTEKT Corporation

Foamed thermoplastics for automotive lightweighting in body-in-white applications Wed, 25 Mar 2020 17:17:22 +0000

Foamed thermoplastics for automotive lightweighting in Body-In-White applications

USING SUPERCRITICAL FOAM INJECTION molding technologies to lightweight hang on parts such as bumpers and trims. This is part of a four-year project that to address the needs of Automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM).


Principal investigator Dr. Srikanth Pilla, Bosch and Jenkins Endowed Professor, “Within the technology portfolio for lightweighting, much of the ‘low-hanging fruit’ has been implemented already — for example, engine downsizing. We believe there’s potential for efficiency gains in the area of load-bearing, structural closure systems at a reasonable price point.”



  1. Achieve a 15% Lightweighting
  2. No compromise surface quality
    • Paint compatibility and adhesion similar to baseline
    • No surface defects at extreme temperatures and humidity
  3. Must meet all mechanical requirements of the baseline parts
  4. Very minimal additional cost


  • Honda R&D Americas
foamed plastics illustration

Streamlined manufacturing, cost savings with hybrid single-shot process for metals and composites Wed, 25 Mar 2020 15:39:42 +0000

Streamlined manufacturing cost savings with hybrid single-shot process for metals and composites

NEW TECHNOLOGY THAT WAS INVENTED AT CLEMSON UNIVERSITY could help reduce the time and cost it takes to manufacture components that are composed of different materials and need to be joined together, researchers said. Even better, the process could be automated with the help of artificial intelligence, they said.


Srikanth Pilla and Saeed Farahani are calling their technology “hybrid single-shot manufacturing of metals and composites.”

It’s aimed at streamlining the manufacturing of some components, such as the center consoles in high-end cars, said Pilla, the Jenkins Endowed Professor in the Department of Automotive Engineering and the founding director of Clemson Composites Center.


One of the goals is to reduce the cost of making vehicles lighter, which improves their mileage and helps automotive companies meet federal fuel efficiency standards. But researchers said the technology could be used in a variety of industries, including home appliance manufacturing.

The technology could be ready for the manufacturing floor in as little as two years, Pilla said.

When some parts are made conventionally, one machine stamps sheet metal into the desired shape, and another machine creates polymer or composite parts. Then the pieces are bonded together with glue.

In hybrid single-shot manufacturing, it’s all done in one machine. The technology can be used in existing equipment, obviating the need for major capital investment, Pilla said.

The new method could reduce infrastructure costs and cycle time, while helping ensure that the pieces are mistake free and fit snugly together.

Pilla illustrated the work with a half-moon-shaped piece of polymer that was embedded in a rectangular piece of sheet metal.

“We are shooting the polymer into the sheet metal, and that is deforming the sheet metal,” he said. “While it’s deforming, it’s also bonding to the sheet metal. So, it’s one single operation.”

Farahani moved to Greenville from Tehran Polytechnic to work under Pilla as a Ph.D. student at the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research.

“When I found this research topic in the literature, I thought, ‘This is going to be perfect for me,’” Farahani said. “My academic background is metal forming, but my experience is mostly on composite and plastic tool design. So with this subject, I can combine these two together.”

Pilla said the team’s approach to the research is unique.

“Maybe one or two research groups in the world have been working on this, but they are all looking at it from the metals side,” he said. “We actually flipped the problem, and we said, ‘This one people will do, and it’s easy to do because sheet metal has a pretty established methodology.’

“Also, my expertise is in polymers and composites, so it makes sense to investigate the problem by flipping it.”

As part of the research, Farahani built a “concept design tool,” and covered it with sensors that measure everything from temperature to pressure. He also created his own software that allows researchers to create a computer model of the machine’s process, also called a “digital twin.”

The digital twin coupled with artificial intelligence is playing a crucial role in teaching the machine to operate on its own.

For the tool to learn, it needs to make mistakes. But allowing the tool to run hundreds of cycles would be too expensive.

Instead, researchers have conducted a limited number of experiments with the machine. Now they are feeding data from the experiments into the machine’s digital twin, along with physics-based models that helps the machine understand its limitations.

“We are saying that science has limits, and these are the limits for you,” Pilla said of the message to the machine. “Then the machine will know what it’s capabilities are and accordingly it will try to learn by itself.”

The research helped Farahani secure his Ph.D. in automotive engineering in December. He is continuing this work as a postdoctoral researcher in Pilla’s lab to further refine the digital twin.

Researchers also plan to test the new technology at the Clemson Composites Center with the goal of making real components.

Ultra-lightweight 100% recyclable scalable production door Wed, 25 Mar 2020 14:12:55 +0000

ULTRA-Lightweight 100% recyclable scalable production door

IN 2016, CLEMSON UNIVERSITY RESEARCHERS began work for a $5.8 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to pioneer technology for fuel-savings, energy efficiency, and to meet the U.S. corporate average fuel economy standards.


Working with industry partners, the Clemson team engineered and constructed an ultra-lightweight thermoplastics composites door that enables innovation for greenhouse gas reduction, recyclability, and circular economy.

John W. Gillespie, director of the University of Delaware Center for Composite Materials (CCM), and assistant director Shridhar Yarlagadda issued a joint statement:

“Clemson and CCM are establishing a strong partnership to merge auto systems design with composites materials, design and manufacturing to lightweight composites door for high-volume production.”



  1. Achieve a 42.5% weight reduction
    • Base weight = 31.8 kg | Target Weight = 18.28 kg
  2. Zero compromise on performance targets
    • Similar crash performance
    • Similar durability and everyday use/misuse performance
  3. Maximum cost induced is 5$ per pound. (.453 kg)
    • Allowable cost increase = $ 150.1 per door
  4. Scalability
    • Annual production of 20,000 vehicles
  5. Recyclability
    • Project goal is 100% recyclable (self imposed)


  • Honda R&D Americas
  • U.S. Department of Energy
lightweighting door illustration
